Hello And Welcome
I am Ansari Mohsin and in this article we are going to talk about why you should have a website. Why it is very important for you to have a website. I know that in the last few articles I have already told you the importance of a website from many different angles for different reasons. In this Article I want to prove this point to you. I want to put this thing in your mind.
You should know what is the importance of a website and its clear benefits so that you can take this decision for yourself because you will have to invest something to make a website. Right start first thing, it is your online real estate. Already I have told you in the previous article that just like you have to do a lot of things to set up a shop, only then you get a real estate.
Or if your property is at a place where people pay you to put ads, then your property is your real estate where you are getting returns or your property is at a place where there will be so much development in the coming years that the rates of your property will increase a lot. So all these things can actually be done through your website in the online world. When your website grows, its value can increase a lot and if you want, you can also sell your website in the future.
From time to time the cost depends on how much you have grown your website. Right it is your online real estate, its example I had explained to you through ads that you can also charge people for putting art on your website. Your second website is that you should have a website, professionalism, credibility because in today’s age your customer expects, I had told you.
I had mentioned that if you yourself hear about a brand and if you want to get information about that brand, then you will go to Google and search for their website name. In the hope that you will get to see their website. If a brand does not have a website today, then definitely you are not going to have much trust in that brand.
So the same thing you also have to keep in mind that you also have to create your own website so that whether you do freelancing or you want to give a job interview. Or if you have your own agency, then it is very important for you to create your own website for that agency as well. Because nowadays people are expecting that thing. Right
SEO | Website
Next thing is that if you want to do SEO on your website or if I explain it to you in this way that if you want to learn SEO, then to do SEO, first you should have your own website. You know that a website appears on Google and you have to prove that you know how to do SEO, so you will not be able to do SEO on someone else’s website.
In the very beginning, you will have to demonstrate it on your own website. Only after that will clients hire you for their websites. Therefore, if you are going to do SEO, then it is necessary to have your own website. You have to traffic from search engines and social media reach. You know that the reach of social media is decreasing a lot.
If you have 10 thousand followers and if you put up a post, then today it reaches only three or four percent of the people. Maybe it reaches even less people. If we talk about Facebook. Right, similarly other platforms also have social media reach. They are being sold. Why? This is happening because all social media platforms want you to invest in ads. You spend money on it to reach your target audience with your message. So no matter how hard you work, if they make even a small policy update to grow social media accounts, the size of your audience can decrease a lot.
In fact, recently, just a few years ago or a few months ago, in the end quarter of 2018, a very big update came in Instagram, due to which people’s followers decreased a lot and people’s reach decreased a lot. Some people’s accounts were banned. Now imagine that if you are working so hard to increase your social media reach, one day the owner of Instagram decides that a policy update has to be done. Like your traffic decreases completely. Your reach decreases. So all the hard work you have done till now to grow that site, to grow your profile, all of it will go waste.
That is why having your own website is very very important because you start your website. You will decide what content will go on your website, what content will not go, how will its design be, how will it not be. Right. And if you have to bring traffic from search engines. If you have to practice search engine optimization, if you have to see its results, then for that also it is very important for you to have a website. Next
Showcase products and services market
showcase products and services market. If you have your own website where you sell some digital products services. If you sell any product or service. Because of your website, any person in the world can come and open your website in 24 hours. It is not like if you are opening a shop in a local place in a physical location, then it has a work timing which is from morning time to 09:00 pm in the night. After that if any customer comes to your shop from your website, he will find the shop closed.
So if that customer could have bought from you, there were chances of that but they will be zero because your shop was closed. This does not happen with a website with a button. People from different time zones from all over the world can come on your website and because your website will be live on your hosting. Because of that your sales, your products will never stop selling. You can market your product services at any point of time.
So imagine how big a benefit this is. Compare to traditional offline marketing method or traditional selling which happens right on the shop. Also offers, social proof blog comments reviews when you put content on your website and when people read that content, for example you have promoted on social media, you have promoted in groups, you have searched.
You have done search engine optimization due to which traffic from Google is coming to your website and your blog and those people are coming and reading your blog and after reading they are also leaving comments and reviews. They are leaving tests for your product service. When you show these things on your website, how much your credibility will increase for future customers, how much your authority will increase and how will all this be possible.
Because if you have a website then you can manage all these things at one place. Shows tests at one place and you can do much more than this. Right. For this, first it is necessary to have a website. Next showcase expertise establish authority. Service provider how will you show your expertise? When people read your content, when people visit your website and see what kind of work you have done.
What kind of people have you helped. How many projects have you done, what is your team size, how many years have you been in the industry and all these things that you can show on your website? Right. Because of that your authority will increase. Your expertise will be visible to people. You will be able to establish yourself in your industry as an authority element among people. Ok next
anchoring, people to contact. Now when people have come to know about your authority, about your expertise and they are convinced that you are the right person who can give solution to their problem. So they can reach out to you through the contact form on your website.
Or you can put a WhatsApp chat widget on your website, you can put a Facebook messenger chat widget through which people can start communicating with you and all these things will be possible only when you have a website. Website daily really must be okay. The final thing I want to tell you in this article is that if you have your own website, whether you have your own product or not, you can start earning or affiliate marketing, display, advertising or you can also start selling products by converting your own website into an e-commerce store. So all these things are possible only when you have a website.
Apart from the website, there is no other thing that will be in your control, which you will turn on. For which you will not have to depend on anyone. Be it any social media platform. This is the only thing in which you have complete control and you can avail all these benefits. All right. So I hope, you are convinced. Now you must have understood why you should have a website and why you should invest in it? Right